Energy, whether coming from the movement of water or wind, from the combustion of coal or from geological sources of heat, has always been and will always be a fundamental element for all the human activities.
The advent of the industrial era, the population growth, the intensification of energy-consuming activities and the consequent depletion of major energy sources makes it inevitable to find a new and more efficient way to obtain energy. The key concept of this research on energy efficiency is EROEI, that is to say the energy returned on energy invested. If we look back on the pre-industrial time, the connection between the energy invested in the production and the energy obtained is clearly visible. Nowadays, on the contrary, it is hidden under the economic superstructures of the energy market and the capitalist production processes. The link between the quantity of energy we consume and our lifestyle is still evident. What is less evident is the link between our lifestyle and the quantity of energy we manage to obtain by investing a unit of energy.
In the past, the technological improvements and the exploitation of energy sources with an high EROEI (EROEI of coal is between 80 and 20 depending on the type of mine, and that of the first oil fields was around 100) led to a huge reduction of manufacturing costs. Consequently, an increasingly broad range of people has been allowed to access to access to goods and services. Today the situation is reversed: we are facing the problem of the decline of EROEI of our main energy resource: the oil. This means that we produce less energy with the same effort, therefore we will soon have more difficulties in accessing goods, services and commodities.
The only possible way to escape from this discouraging scenario is to find a solution that can solve the problem quickly and permanently. In its search of an alternative and sustainable path, the KiteGen team has looked to the noblest, most abundant and more evenly distributed resource that the nature has offered: the high altitude winds.
Its goal is quite ambitious: designing a technology that produces renewable energy with a higher EROEI and a lower cost than carbon, thus offering a concrete and sustainable way to overcome the crisis.
The means to the end, however, is less complex than you think. The key factor is commitment. The commitment of a competent team of Italian engineers who are almost ready to install their first pre-industrial energy generator from one side. The commitment of all humanity, whose role is to understand, believe and support those who have a solution to propose, on the other.

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